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What is more important macros or calories?

Oct 05, 2021

Question: Obviously, it is ideal to reach both macro’s and calorie count each day, but on a day where more of one macro is consumed than normal is it better to count calories or still get the other macro’s in? For example, I ate out yesterday and because the meal included more carbs than were in line with my macro’s I counted the extra carbs as if they were my proteins (which I still needed more of). I met my calorie goal, but not my individual macro goal. I wondered if I should have consumed the protein macros and eaten over my calorie count.

Answer: Great question! This answer will slightly vary depending on what phase you are in (cut, reverse, maintenance). But, for a cut, the focus is calories, then protein and then the other macros. So, if you have gone over on one or a couple of your macros you would fill the other macro(s) up until you hit your calorie range.

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