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Two part

Oct 06, 2020

Question: What's your take on alternate day fasting? I can't seem to string even a few days together of eating on plan. I also was never overweight in my life and I'm on anxiety medication that makes it tougher to lose weight. I feel so trapped in my body and desperate to get this weight off. Like how can I be so desperate and unable to follow a plan at the same time 😔

Answer: This is a great question and one that requires more coaching as there isn't a blanket statement answer. The first question is, what is your goal for the alternate day fasting? Fasting will not help you lose weight faster and in some cases is not a sustainable way to lose weight because fasting for the rest of your life is not something the majority of people want to do. The second question, what is preventing you from being consistent longer than a few days? Are you viewing this as another diet with rules and restrictions? How can you fit macros into YOUR lifestyle instead of trying to fit your lifestyle into macros?

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