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Strength Training, Starving, weight gain

Jan 27, 2021

Question: I began the Build Your Workouts three weeks ago. Since then I have been SO hungry. My calories are set at 1600 with 125g protein. I weigh 135lbs. I’ve ended up having to up my calories to 1800 to compensate. And I’ve gained two pounds when my goal is a cut. Help! Should I not do as much strength training and take my calories back down? Just focus on cardio? I’m confused as to what to do. Thanks for your help!

Answer: The most important thing is to follow the feedback from your body. Collect the data and make adjustments to the input you are putting in the "machine" (ie your body) in order to get the result you want. If you have been in a caloric deficit for an extended amount of time this could be a sign from your body that a reverse diet is needed soon than later.

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