setting macros for increasing metabolism

Apr 16, 2020

Question: The grams you generally set are for cutting? Not reverse dieting? I have not been eating enough so I have been trying to up my metabolism by eating more. I am currently eating (trying to) about 1900 while maintaining. I realized I used to eat between 1000-1200! Which is not enough. I lift 5 days per week so I know I have sabotaged my metabolism. I am not ready to cut yet as I have only been in reverse for about 3 weeks and only this week am I actually getting close to 1900. I have been focusing mostly on getting close to my protein.

Answer: Inside the modules there is a workbook with step by step instructions on how to set your macros. To set your macros for a reverse diet, you would use the calories you are currently consuming (in this case 1900) and set your protein, fat and carbs with those calories. Be sure to watch the modules on reverse dieting (found in module 4) so you understand the process on how to increase your calories. Also, take starting weight, measurements and pictures right away. Happy reverse dieting! :)

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