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Oct 06, 2020

Question: Hi, my starting calories was 867 and after asking if I should start with that or raise it 100, I was told it didn’t make a difference so I split the difference and went with 900 and upped my protein since it’s always been low. I’m really having a hard time as I’ve gained inches this week and clothes are much tighter. So my question is, do I go up 100 calories this week or do I wait to see if it levels off? My goal is to not gain weight. 900 is still so low so I’m having a hard time understanding that that could cause me to gain inches. So if I wait and it doesn’t level off what do I do then? Stay at 900 or go back down? Have you seen someone start a reverse this low?

Answer: These are great questions and ones that require some back and forth coaching. You say your goal is to not gain weight - are you most concerned with the number on the scale or do you mean you do not want to gain fat? Weight gain and fat gain are different. Have you reviewed all the information on reverse dieting in the modules and printed out the reverse diet flowchart. The flowchart will tell you the next step in terms of when to add additional calories and when to continue with current calories for another week. How consistent were you with hitting your macros? Were there any days you went over, if so, how many days and by how much. As you can see there is a lot to consider and discuss. I encourage you to post in the private Facebook group so you can get a higher level of coaching through this.

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