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Reverse workouts

Jan 27, 2021

Question: Hi! I joined macros in September, and I’m getting ready to reverse starting next week. I mainly had a question regarding workouts. After reviewing BYOW program, I see info for cut, maintenance, and bulk, but no reverse. I am currently lifting 3 days a week, and LISS 2 days a week. do I cut out all my cardio at once? Also, after listening to the reverse coaching call in macros, I am questioning if I did everything I could in my cut. I wasn’t perfect at hitting my macros, and didn’t see huge progress, but I am one of those that have been dieting for 20 years. Maybe I’m just second guessing myself? Appreciate your input and advice. Thanks.

Answer: If you have been dieting for 20 years then a reverse diet is absolutely the next step you would want to take. In regards to cardio, we recommend alternating between increasing calories and reducing cardio. So, one week you can increase calories. The following week you would reduce cardio by 1 hour total for the week.

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