Postpartum Starting Point

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2021

Question: I am 14 weeks PP and have been so excited to try and lose baby weight and feel like my body is my own again! That being said, I followed the algorithm to determine my starting point and determined that I was going to start a cut for 8 weeks then try a reverse. I have been tracking consistently and hitting my macros about 75%of the time (1360 cals) for 2 weeks. No change in scale weight. I am going to do pictures and measurements this weekend to see if there is a change! My question is: Was a cut the right place to start or with the changes in my body during pregnancy, should I start with a reverse? Thanks!

Answer: Congratulations on the baby! To give an effective answer we need some more information: Did you track your current intake prior to setting your macros? Are you breastfeeding and if so, did you add additional calories to account for that? You mentioned you are hitting your macros 75% of the time - are you tracking the other 25% so you have an accurate picture of how many calories you are consuming each week? If so, what are average calories for the last 2 weeks? And lastly, we need all the data points to see the full picture. It is not uncommon to see measurements decrease while the scale doesn't budge. All that being said, this would be a great back and forth coaching conversation inside the Facebook group.


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