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Possible Maintance

Oct 05, 2020

Question: Good morning! I was part of the Tighter Together Challenge and received numbers from Madeline Moves. I have had great results through about a 10 week cut. I am shifting towards a maintance phase and was able to purchase the Macros 101 course after reading about you in LillieEatsAndTells posts and have learned so much. I was wondering if I should slowly work up into my maintenance numbers that I calculated during that session. I do 1-2 hours of training daily with runs and Madeline Moves. I am considering signing up for a short term coach to learn more and adjust because my results have been so amazing.

Answer: Great job with your 10 week cut! Yes, after a cut a Reverse Diet is needed to slowly increase calories back to maintenance. There is a lot of information on Reverse Dieting in the Macros 101 Module 4 and on the BAB Radio Podcast episode 9, 10 and 42.

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