Natural Supplements

Oct 12, 2020

Question: Hi there,

So i purchased a supplement called Female Factor before joining macos 101 as a way to lose belly fat as I am in my 40’s. In theory is was to replace the testerone levels that decease as we age. I thought this could be why I was starting to gain more weight else in my belly area. My question is that Amber says supplement are fine but is this particular supplement fine? I spent a lot of money on several bottle- 6 months worth & didn’t want to stop taking them waste my money but now I’m questioning if it’s ok to continue taking them. I don’t want to slow or negate what I’m doing with kaci counting. Here are the ingredients & website:
Magnesium 200 mg
Zinc 30 mg
Tribulus Terrestris 750 mg
Chrysin 75 mg
Horny Goat weed PE 50 mg
Longjack 50 mg
Saw palmetto berries 50 mg
Hawthorn berries 50 mg
Cissus Quadrangularis 50 mg

Answer: As coaches in the Macros 101 program, we are not comfortable making recommendations on these supplements. We recommend speaking with your Doctor to address the effects this supplement has on your body.



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