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My Coach

Oct 05, 2021

Question: Hi there! The reason I am asking anonymous is because I do not want to hurt my coaches feelings, however I am needing advice. I am going into the third week of coaching via facetime and I am feeling like there is nothing consistent time wise. For example, we set a date and time but each week it changes. I like to know a specific time each week so I can coordinate it with my already busy schedule. Also, I am wondering how long should these calls be? What should I be expecting? Is it good that she does all the talking or should I be asking the questions? I feel rushed and anxious. I am not one to speak up and will continue the calls with her if this is what the program offers. However, should I say something to her? If yes, this is very hard for me to do and would like some help to know what to say. If no, how do I make it more beneficial for both of us? I am just wondering if I am asking too much by trying to be consistent/connected? I listen intently to the coaching calls and get more out of those calls than I do with my coach but I was hoping to have someone who I could help me with my own questions (I am one of those wallflowers lol). I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings for sure. Any advice would be greatly appreciated or if there is a module explaining this I will do as required. If this is not the place to ask I apologize and would love direction. I honestly don't want to sound mean, disrespectful or inconsiderate at all and I hope this sentiment is reflected through this question. Thank you :)

Answer: We so appreciate you reaching out as any feedback is always valuable. To answer a few of your questions, generally it is not a requirement for the coach to hold a weekly facetime or zoom meeting with the client. The standard is there is a video call at the beginning and end of the program with the remaining of your check-ins and coaching done via some type of messaging (direct messaging through Circle or Facebook or text messaging). So, the coach is going above and beyond the requirements by holding a weekly video call each week. That being said, there is nothing wrong with wanting or needing some consistency and that should be relayed to the coach. As the Head Coach it is my responsibility to ensure that clients and coaches are having a great experience. I would love to chat with you more in this regard as there is only so much I can do without knowing the client and coach. If you feel inclined I would love to have you email me so I can dig a little deeper to ensure you get the best experience possible with the program. You can email into [email protected] and they can get you my email address.

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