Maintenance Macros

Apr 17, 2020

Question: When going to maintenance, could you tell me ratios for macros? Could protein be .8/1? Or what should fat be? I hope that makes sense! Basically, when cutting my protein was high and around 135 grams, but now I'm wandering if it can go lower and back down to a 1 to 1 ratio (or even lower such as .8 to 1) and if so, then that puts carbs really high so is that ok?

Answer: There is not a set ratio for maintenance calories, as each body is different and will require different ratios. Yes, you absolutely can reduce your protein. As you get closer to your goal weight it is natural for protein to be closer to the .8-1/lb range. Once you have your protein set then go ahead and play around with your carbs and fat. Follow the feedback from your body to see what is going to work best for you :)

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