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Feb 03, 2020

Question: Hi- For some reason when I did the calculations on my protein fat and carbs- my carbs were extremely high- my protein was 87, fat 29, and carbs was 200- I eat 1550 calories a day total 10, 850- not sure why my numbers are off

Answer: It's really difficult to troubleshoot this without a ton more information, but I will try!

First, have you watched the FB live I did on setting your macros? In that video I talk about some tips and general advice for setting your numbers. One of the things I discuss is how your macros will be easier to hit if:

*Your fats are above 38 g
*Your carbs are above 100 g
*Your protein is between 100 g - 140 g

Watch the whole live to hear more details about these guidelines. It DOES NOT mean you are "wrong" if you aren't following all of these.

Knowing that - how would you keep the same calories while increasing your fats and protein to be in the ranges I give above?

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