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Macro Counting and Age

May 01, 2020

Question: I feel like I have 2 strikes against me when losing weight. One is my age, I am 75. I know how hard it is to lose weight the older I get and my lack of height, I am only 5 1/2 feet. Does this enter in to setting my macros? I have found when doing other weight loss programs that in order to lose weight, I have to eat a lot less calories than younger people.


The amount of muscle you have on your body plays more of a factor than your age. If you haven't been exercising as you age then you do begin to lose muscle and that in turn affects your metabolism. However, regardless of age or muscle mass, you will still follow the same steps and guidelines for setting your initial macros. Then you will learn how to analyze the feedback from your body and learn how to adjust your macros according to that feedback and your goals.

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