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Macro Adjusting

Apr 17, 2020

Question: In a 7 day period of tracking, what would the consequences be of going under on calories or macros for 2-3 days? And should macros be adjusted when activity levels go down during the week (for example, they go down 200+ calories a day for 3-4 days that week)?

Answer: If you are not consistently hitting your macros within margin (within 100 calories, +/-5g carbs and protein, +/-2g fat) you will not get accurate feedback from your body to determine if your current macros are working or if there needs to be adjustments.

When setting your macros you account for your workouts that you consistently do. If your workout routine changes one week you most likely won't see much affect. However, if you are consistently missing workouts then it is best to really focus on the bio feedback from your body. Your body will tell you if your macros need to be adjusted. 

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