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How to move past my past

Oct 06, 2020

Question: I feel stuck and I don't know the mental shift I need to get past it.

11 years ago when my daughter was born she was 'Colicky'. The doctor told me it was 'unexplained crying that is normal in babies'. I didn't believe that babies cry without reason. I could visual tell that her stomach was in knots and she was in a lot of pain. Over the next few months we found out she was allergic to A LOT of foods -dairy, corn, soy, tomatoes, walnuts and bananas (to name the main ones). I had to exclusively nurse her (since all formulas have either dairy, corn or soy) and was not able to eat ANY of those ingredients or it would just transfer to her and she would be in pain again. The thing is - I was literally starving! Every night - I cried. I was hungry and couldn't keep up with it all. All my energy went to feeding her. After only 4 months I lost all my baby weight plus an additional 40 lbs. I looked sickly - and everyone around me told I did too.

Now I tend to not be able to 'give up' foods. I am afraid of feeling so restricted again. "What if this is the last time I will be able to have....." Of course it never is going to be the last time. But I never feel okay walking away and depriving myself.

It is 11 years later and I still feel this way. I can't get past it. I feel so stuck.

Answer: First of all, you are an amazing Mom and this scenario is proof that you CAN DO HARD THINGS! You did what you needed to in order to provide for your daughter and it required a lot of sacrifices on your part. However, the question I have for you, what is causing you to feel you need to be giving up foods to be successful? Are you viewing this process as another diet with rules and restrictions? What is preventing you from adding in the foods that you love in to your daily plan?

This is such a great conversation and one I would love to have with you in the facebook group. The level of coaching we can give in the group is much higher than you will get through an anonymous question.

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