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Hormones and weight loss

Jan 27, 2021

Question: I’ve been working on increasing my testosterone levels since I discovered I was in a really low range about a year ago. I’m using a cream as prescribed by my doctor but I seem to be stuck in the same spot with my weight. My recent blood work showed my body was absorbing the cream but not using it. (Not 100% sure how that all works). My levels are still a little low. I feel like I’m spinning my wheels with diet and exercise. Do I need to just really get focused on nutrition/exercise or will the low testosterone keep me spinning my wheels? Is there something different I should be doing?
I’ve been wondering if I need to get a second opinion on my blood work and/or consider a different supplement. I’ve expressed concern to my doctor about losing weight and was prescribed weight loss pills. I’m not a huge fan of pills. I prefer to go a more healthy route. I wasn’t super happy to be told to just take a pill to help with weight. I’m really only looking to lose 10-15 pounds.

Answer: Yes, unbalanced hormones can make weight loss more difficult. It would be beneficial to find a Dr that is willing to help you get to the root of the issue and help you overcome it.

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