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Feeling lost

Oct 06, 2020

Question: Hi. I have no clue what I am doing! I feel lost. My doctor wants to put me on Phentermine because I gained so much weight from not eating enough. I an 52 years old and almost feel like I will never lose weight. I exercise and am active every day, I eat in moderation counting all macros and have for 10 weeks now with no changes. Is it possible to lose weight at my age? I saw a hormone specialist who told me she thinks I am just perimenopausal since I have no menopause symptoms, yet. My BF used to be 15% and I am now 36%! So ashamed!

Answer: Yes, losing weight at your age is absolutely possible! From the little information you provided above, your body may have experienced metabolic adaptation and the next step would be a Reverse Diet. I recommend you listen to the modules on reverse dieting in module 4 and also the BAB Radio podcast episodes 9, 10 and 42 which are all on reverse dieting. If you have questions after doing those things I really encourage you to post in the facebook group as the level of coaching you will receive there is much greater than any coaching you will get from an anonymous question.

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