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Decrease calories during the week to compensate for higher weekends?

May 18, 2020

Question: I have had very little progress over the last 4 weeks. I know that part of my struggle is that we’ve been going camping every weekend and my food options are hard to track - sometimes no reception so I can’t track, sharing food prep with others so i can’t plan the meal, lots of snacks around when hungry. When I’ve tried to track after the fact I’m finding that I’m at least 300-400 calories over. During the week I am hitting my macros spot on. Even when our family isn’t camping on the weekends, we generally have a date night and eat out Sat nights and then have family dinners on Sundays that I don’t always know what I’m going to have available. I’m just noticing that weekends are consistently being higher, but I’m able to stick to my macros during the week. I’m wondering if it would help my progress if I cut my calories during the weekdays so that it doesn’t derail my numbers if I go over on the weekends. My calories are about 1500. If I cut my calories to 1300 during the week and 2000 calories on the weekends (Sat & Sun), then I would still average 1500 calories/day for the week. I would keep my protein grams the same and just fluctuate fat and carbs. Is it possible that this would be effective?

Answer: This is a great question and there isn't a black and white response as it varies for each person and their dieting history. If you have a history of binging and restricting then it is not recommended to restrict your calories during the week and "bank" them for weekend as this can lead to a continued unhealthy relationship with food. However, if you have not struggled with that in the past then you can give it a try and  see how your body responds physically AND mentally.  

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