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Calculating macros

Oct 05, 2020

Question: I am struggling to calculate my macros. Before the program, I was averaging 2000 calories per day. I calculated my TDEE based on my weight and activity level to be 1728. Taking a 20% deficit put me at 1382 calories. This very low number contradicts what Amber has been teaching us about starting out high. Am I off track?

Answer: This would be such a great conversation to have in the Facebook group because it does require some back and forth conversation. The question to ask yourself - How was my body responding to the average 2000 calories per day? If you were maintaining, then 2000 calories is your TDEE and you would find your deficit from that. The calculated TDEE is just an estimate number. So, if you have feedback from your body indicating 2000 calories is maintenance then that is the number you use.

Also, what is preventing you from starting with a more moderate deficit which would put you at higher calories. Again, this would be a way more effective conversation to be had in the Facebook Group.

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