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May 04, 2020

Question: I have been tracking for 3 weeks (2 weeks with macros set). My results? ZERO. I feel like I am more in bondage to tracking, hitting macros, weighing food, than ever before. Although the miracle scale, expecting change, and all the psychology of change has been helpful- the bottom line is that I am really hating the process. I am constantly recording, cooking, reading , listening and with a handful of non scale victories- which are great- but after 21 days, I am very discouraged. I knew that there was going to be work involved- but this program has been more like a hostile takeover rather than a gentle acquisition of tools and knowledge. Overwhelmed? Yes! A choice- If I pick up what is being laid down, its inevitable

Answer: How can you create a plan that didn’t feel like a "hostile takeover"? What specifically feels that way? What are the parts you hate and how can we get rid of them or shift them? This is such a great conversation to have and a great coaching opportunity which can’t necessarily be done in an anonymous post. I encourage you to post in the Facebook group or request a Hot Seat on the next coaching call so you can be coached through the breakdown and get the breakthrough you are looking for.

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