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Am I pushing my body too much?

Feb 14, 2020

Question: I currently weigh 216 with about 29% body fat. I have been doing a workout program that I love for 6 months where the workouts are about 1 hour a day 6 days a week. I've been tracking macros pretty consistently for 5 of the 6 months with two rounds of a cut in there including carb cycling which I do not like;) I'm struggling with losing fat. I feel so much stronger and I feel so good but I am not losing fat to save my life specifically in my mid section. my macros are 197 carbs 160 protein and 59 fat calories 1959. The last time I had significant weight loss getting below 200 was with keto which I hated but saw results and then rebounded big time and blew up to 216. My question is where am I going wrong? Why can't I get this midsection to budge at all!!

Answer: First, if you don't like carb cycling, don't do it. There is no research that show that It improves anything with fat loss. I always tell clients, if you like it, keep doing it. But if you don't, skip it.

Second, how much have you adjusted your macros based on your results? The mistake most women make is they dive into a process and then if/when it doesn't work they don't know what to do. That's exactly what makes the BAB Macro Method I teach in MACROS 101 so unique, because the whole process is to teach you how to analyze the results you are getting and then let that guide your macro adjustments so that you CAN get the results you want.

Have you listened to module 3 and 4? This is where I talk about consistency and adjusting your macros. Having done this process for months you have a ton of data! Now it's just about taking that data and allowing it to guide your macro adjustments.

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